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Journal Entry 2

  1. After reading The New York Times article “From Prison to PhD”, it talks over the case of Michelle Jones who served 20 years out of the 50 she was supposed to serve. She is just an example out of the organization for ex-criminals who can live normally. Some schools are not a fan of giving ex criminals an education. Certain schools like Harvard and Yale, make it hard for them to go out and get an education. Michelle shares her experiences and stories while still being rejected for her conviction of murder. She shares her journey with the readers as she aspires to get her PhD. The main message being that anyone can learn from their mistakes and become a better person. 
  2. “People don’t survive 20 years of incarceration with any kind of grace unless they have the discipline to do their reading and writing in the chaos of that place,” Ms. Jones said. “Forget Harvard. I’ve already graduated from the toughest school there is.” I picked this quote because it gave an inspirational but real feeling. In the quote, she talks about people not surviving 20 years of incarceration or imprisonment because they lose their minds. They don’t try to bring peace in the chaos that is prison, which is why it is hard for criminals to get out on good behavior. Thus, Michelle explained that Harvard didn’t mean anything, she already graduated the toughest school there is, prison.